Elijah Wiencek | GITA 3 (2024 - 2025)
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In this project, we had to make an avatar and write a backstory about it.
In this project, we learned how to display text on the canvas using our new software and we had to write thirty words about ourself.
In this project, we had to recreate our avatar by using our software's shape methods, along with adding the theme of a fictional holiday.
In this project, we've created our first loopable animation, which includes a character that travels through day and night.
In this project, we've expanded on our original "Landscape" project and learned how to create buttons within our new software.
In this project, we made a tutorial on a random topic of our choice; I chose to show how to make a file folder on Windows 10! I also learned independently on how to use images, as well as audio in our software.
In this project, we learned how to make randomized events with our software. I chose to make a "Rock, Paper, Scissors" parody!
In this project, we learned how to make classes, as well as arrays. We've also recreated a project from GITA 2 with our new software.
In this project, we've practiced some more usage of arrays and the distance formula. This was the hardest project of our first semester, in my opinion.
In this project, we learned how to detect collision, and splice objects from their corresponding array.
In this project, we made an endless runner game. It's similar of that to the offline dinosaur game featured on Google Chrome.
Made in Period 4 with Mr. Salesky