College Collage - It's where you can get a degree!

This college is the California Institute of Technology.

This college is Drexel University.

This college is New York University.

This fictional college is Squidward Community College, from SpongeBob SquarePants.

This college is Stanford University.

This college is the California University of Berkeley.

This college is the California University of Irvine.

This college is the California University of Los Angeles.

This college is the University of Colorado.

This college is the University of Minnesota.

This college is the Oregon State University.

This college is the University of Pennsylvania.

This college is the University of Washington.

This college is the University of Wisconsin.

This college is Yale University.

This fictional college is the Starfleet Academy, from Star Trek.

This fictional college is Monsters University, from Pixar.

Made by Elijah Wiencek on 2023-09-08